
KOVPAL s.r.o.
Kpt. Jaroše 783
417 12 Proboštov
okres Teplice
Telefon: +420 417 568 277
IČO: 25421433
Zapsána v obchodním rejstříku u Krajského soudu v Ústí nad Labem, oddíl C, vložka 17264

Our company

Dear business partners, since 2000 operates in our market the company KOVPAL s.r.o. We mainly devote to production of welded steel constructions. The next field is the burning of precise steel stillage for engineering production. Simultaneously we circle the sheet steels and profile materials to produce pipes and various transitions.
We also offer machine fitting relating to assembly of the small constructions, fences, gates, bars and garden furniture according to customer's requests.
